So, hang on, I'm gonna let the feathers fly.
First, I'm not gay. I'm as straight as an arrow. Usually first thing in the morning. Occassionally when out in public which is just another reason I draw attenetion.
This Chik-fil-A thing......It disgusts me. I dont care what your religious beliefs are. Practice them all you want. But don't fuckin force your opinions on me. Chik-fil-A hasnt done that. What they have done is taken a side on a very combustible & controversial issue. You dont believe in gay marriage Mr. Cathy? Fine. But when you publicize that & fly it under your company's banner don't get upset when a large portion of the population disagrees & boycotts your product.
For clarification here's EXACTLY what was said. In it's proper context. I also agree with the commentary that follows. You may not but I do & it's my fuckin' blog so suck it.:p
Well that really depends on what religion you happen to believe in or if you don't believe in religion at all.
And for the record, I dont see any modern day "Christians" sacrificing lambs on an altar or staying away from pork. That's right you redneck hypocrite sonsofbitches. No more fucking barbecue for you. It's a sin. Read the book you keep thumpin' on.
As an agnostic theist (look it up) I have studied almost all of the major world religions to some degree or another. I've been referred to as a "seeker"
That basically means I don't believe the stories. Any of them. I have a high IQ & am analytical in nature. I need some fact backing my forthrighteousness.
What harm does it do to you? What's the real problem? Uncomfortable with gays? Is it fear? What does it matter to you?
Seriously, your neighbors being gay does not make any difference to your way of life as far as I can tell. So whats the problem?
It comes down to religious & political beliefs. Well as Bono so eloquently put it, "My God isn't short of cash mister." And to oppose is to divide the people into subcategories (little boxes on the hillside. little boxes made of ticky tacky.) which makes it all too easy for the political machine to manipulate
It's amazing to me how people cannot or will not allow others the same freedoms or even to share their personal views without being bullied, threatened or attacked.
So that guy likes to suck dick. Big deal. And she feels more masculine & loves toys & the feminine mystique. Who cares? Get off the Puritan standard of sexuality perpetuated in this country since its founding by white european zealots. Slavery didnt work. Most of the laws in this country are fucked up. What does it matter if a couple homosexuals take advantage of the same tax breaks you exploit or pay into a health insurer. Someone prove to me I'm wrong on this. PLEASE. I beg you. Without using YOUR religion & encompassing what is good for all people of this country, prove me wrong.
Now I got unfriended the other day for sharing this view. Rick Polk. Some of you know him. And I have no problem naming names on this. My opinion is he is a racist, hate monger. He gets off on guns & porn & beer.
Now I like guns & porn & beer too but all within reason. Let's try to stay balanced & reasonable shall we? When you physically threaten another human being because their views are different than yours. Because they are different from you thats ignorance. It's loss of intellectual talent to be able to continue to support your own view & argument & rather than concede a point or even allow for something other than your view to exists. Moreover, it's illegal. Thats right kiddies, it's whats known these days as a terroristic threat & in GA it carries a potential penalty of 5 yrs in prison.
Trust me, I know a little about this law. So Ricky, you get a pass. I'm just that kind of guy. But next time you print a threat, I'll exercise my rights under the Republican gov't you so proudly support.
That's all. I'm spent. Try to be tolerant. Try to actually practice what is preached. Be excellent to each other.