Sunday, February 20, 2011


It's Sunday morning. I'm up too early because of the dogs. I'm also up angry. Some days are like that here. I just read some emails & comments. Apparently my stories are having some effect on folks. I can't ask for any more. And I have yet to receive one bad comment since beginning this project. Thats cool too. But that may change at any time & today could be the day.

It's Sunday. A time for worship? NO. That would be Saturday. Saturday is the seventh day. Saturday is the day of rest & worship. And I'm about to get started so be prepared to get pissed off.

Look at your calendars. Which day does the week start with? Thats right. Sunday. And God said let there be light. And there was light. And that light was the Sun. And thats why its called SUNday. And so Sunday is day one. NOT day seven. Now from this point I could go all rogue on you with science vs. theological rhetoric but my point is not to alienate. My point is to make you think. To make you question. Not to question your own beliefs but rather to question those that came before you & what they preach as religious law.

I know ALOT of people that would be considered religious. Some of them are going to read this blog. Why don't you practice what is preached? Thats hypocrisy. It could also be considered blasphemous. You don't practice the book as its written. For a moment we'll leave the Old Testament behind & ask simply Why don't you practice the word of Jesus as it's been put before you? It angers me.

 I'm not Jewish. I'm Christian if you have to put a label on me. But the truth is I'm a seeker & I dont beliueve any world religion has it spot on. But there are common threads through most all world religions & its those threads that I base my beliefs on.

Hypocrisy drives me nuts. Especially when I find I'm the hypocrite but let me get back to my point. If you, as a Christian, believe then why don't you follow your own doctrines? I see the vanity at my local church. It's in an abandoned strip mall & yet the people arrive in droves, dressed to the nines. Why? Christ wore tattered robes & sandals ( when he had shoes). And yet here they are, preening, comparing, JUDGING. I show up in jeans & a t-shirt. A minority in more than one way. If sandals were good enough for Jesus then they're good enough for me. And they are more than good enough for you.

 I see the advertisement on the board outside. The pastor pictured in his best suit. He looks like a used car salesman & one I don't think I'd buy from. I wonder how long before I'm asked for money. Bono once said "My God isn't short of cash mister." Well my God doesnt need cash at all. Never has. Never will. But to tithe is a good thing. Not for the betterment of the church but for the betterment of the congregation & community. To be charitable is good. I can't remember where in the Bible it says to pay your preacher for preaching. I don't believe that my pastor should be the wealthiest man in the room. At least not monetarily. If churches are not for profit then why are you driving a car that most in your congregation could never afford? Why do you wear a thousand dollar suit in a town riddled with poverty?  The message could be awesome but I don't hear it. All I hear is hypocrisy. It's one thing to preach it. Most anyone can do that. It's another to live it. Jesus' church was the ground He walked upon.

It's not like I'm suggesting you be Christ-like. That is too much for anyone to ask of anyone else. But I am suggesting that you try. When you cut me off in traffic. When you cheat, lie & steal.( Oh yes you do)  When you covet the beautiful body that crosses your path. When you lust after the neighbor's new car. When you spew venom towards another behind their back. When you lose sight of the big picture & get lost in your own worldly pursuits. You have lost touch with what you claim to be your cornerstone of belief. And the worst part? You are oblivious to it. It never dawns on you that you have broken the covenants set before you.

I didnt ask you to believe. But I insist that if youre going to claim yourself a Christian then ACT like it. I see our society as a self absorbed teenager. One that throws a tantrun when they dont receive immediate gratification. One that shuns responsibility so they may do as they wish. One that interperets the perceived word of God in their own favor because it's too difficult to actually do it the way it's been set forth. Well folks, that's hypocrisy.

Now, like I said, I didnt ask you to believe. Frankly I don't think alot of you really do. It's a convenient social climbing step. But you wouldnt call yourself a professional ball player because you played catch on the weekend. Why do you call yourself a follower of Christ if you don't really follow along?

I hope youre pissed at me. I hope you question & comment. I hope that while you point that finger at me you take a long look at the three pointing back at you. And then I hope (& pray) that you take an honest look at where you've strayed & make an effort to right the ship.

Too many people are trying to lead. Trying to take whats laid before them & decide whats best for someone else. But to be a good leader you must first be a good follower. Too many skip that part. No perceived glory or authority in following. My father would call that too many Chiefs & not enough indians. I call it the refusal to look inside one's self & fix those problems before you judge those of another.

Maybe I'm being too judgmental. Maybe thats my hypocrisy. Or maybe I was directed to write this. And you were drawn to read it. Either way the thought has been put forth. It's in print. And like another text I'm thinking of you're allowed to take it out of context & twist it's meaning. You may also cross it with other opinions & make holidays out of it if you choose. You probably shouldn't but you will anyway. Or you could take it as it's worded. Not to question the meaning but just to follow. Isn't that what Faith is all about?

I do love this song. It makes me smile & cry at the same time. Take the time. LISTEN. Let it pull you. direct you. Change you.

And I got one more just to lighten it up. Hope it makes you smile. Puts some perspective on things. And know that I love you. I truly have love for you all.

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