Tuesday, July 3, 2012

my normal day

My normal day should consist of a few things. The chores I have with my machine & batteries.

The cleaning & dressing of my wound site.

Food. Lots of food.

Meds. Gotta take them at pretty much the same time everyday.

And log all of this in a nice little binder.

It's not hard but it does take some getting used to.

I had a draft of a blog from Sunday but it just wasnt what I wanted to say or, more importantly, the attitude I wanted to convey. It's tough around here. I think I've let that be known. No need to dwell. Right? Either offer up a solution or go on to something else.

So that's what I'm trying to do.

Yesterday it was cool in the morning. The sun hadn't yet burned off the previous nights rain. So it wasnt God awful humid yet. The cushions were wet on the deck chairs so it was tie for me to get back on scheduke & go for a walk.

I did. And, I did good. The furthest I've gone so far but didnt increase my time walking. Which was a little bit of a bummer but I hadnt done it in a couple of days & I did make a difference in distance.

I must be getting faster. Which means I'm performing better. Just not for long periods of time. About 15-17 minutes is what I walked. Dont really know a distance. But after the walk I came straight in went to my room & started an upper body workout. Got clearance last thurs but with light weights. I'm using 1 lb weights. That sounds so wimpy & weak. But I did all exercises to the point of failure/exhaustion of each muscle or group. Seemed to be about 50 reps each working bi's tri's, shoulders back & limited chest. No butterflys. Dr's orders. I do still have a split sternum.

 All in all it took about 35 minutes to do it. Maybe closer to an hour. But I did it. The intimidation was gone.

Today I stepped out early. It seemed hot & humid. Sis got up a little bit later. Then she said it didnt feel that bad outside. I should go for a walk. So I did.

Walked even further then the day before. Still havent increased my endurance. So I'm moving better. No walker anymore. I retired it. Getting faster & feel my stride becoming more natural until I'm tired & going up hill. Then the steps get shorter & a little shuffling of the feet. But I keep my phone on me. & I'm carrying a walking stick. Just in case.

But I'll tell you one thing. This vest for my batteries has to go. Need some new engineering. It's constantly pulling on my shoulders & back. Makes it hard to keep a decent posture.

The stuff advertised is WAY too expensive for me to afford right now. But there is one guy that I know of that re-did his own. I may have to call him.

Anyway, I'm trying to stay positive. May get in a light arms & calves workout later today. And its definitely sponge bath time. Anybody wanna help with that? 

Tomorrow is 4th of July. We are going to Sis' BF's house in douglasville. Thats kinda a long way & I'm a bit intimidated by that. Don't know how long we're gonna be there & that freaks me out some too. We're eating early but sis wants to stay out or go somewhere for fireworks. I may request a drop off at home or something. Not sure how all this is gonna work. But I'm charging all my batteries. Double checking my emergency kit. It seemed a big step but its coming more into proportion. I have to get on with my life. Just not sure how to do that when I'm under the infloence of lithium ions.

Have a great holiday if I dont talk to you again. I'm not staying behind & missing my mothers brisket recipe. And I'm not holding back on the BBQ fare tomorrow. If I'm gonna risk it then I'm gonna enjoy myself. Diet stops tomorrow. A one day reprive. Hope everyone understands.....And it doesnt screw up my blood numbers this week.



  1. Keep up the hard work!!! Tomorrow does sound like a big day for you- just take it one step at a time!!! And, I say, It's the 4th, dude, EAT WHAT YA WANT!!! Enjoy your mothers brisket recipe!!! ~~PEACE~~

  2. Ditto to Sheila's comments. Your new attitude will help greatly toward not only physically healing, but also emotional healing. You are prayed for continuously. Enjoy your BBQ.....have a wonderful Fourth of July! It's just the beginning of a great ride for you, I think!

    Jennifer LeGrand
