Wednesday, February 23, 2011

a judgement day

So I only have a few minutes but I wanted to get something out. While I started this blog as a way to get some of the bed stuff out of me & onto a page I also knew that I could use this as a social experiment of sorts. And yesterday that manifested itself.

See I believe that by talking thru the internet you lose alot in the translation. One must be extra careful in one's wording & tone to be fully understood. I think we've all had the experience of being taken out of context due to the inability to be seen & heard in a real world kinda way.

Well through a series of FB commentes I ran into a "friend" that passed judgment. It was subtle & non-chalant but there just the same.

Let me put this as delicately as I can. FUCK YOU!!! You don't know me. You only think you do. You havent walked in my shoes cuz I only have one pair & I would know.

Apparently this person/these people believe it easy to take a few snipets of text & form a complete picture of another human being. Shame on you. This also happened to a friend of mine. Must've been something in the water or the moon's cycle yesterday or someone passed out the stupid pills or something.

What most people here dont know about me is that when face to face you may never know or think anything was wrong. I'm "quick with a joke or a light of your smoke"

Bottom line is it's offensive. And whats worse is you can actually watch the degradation of society in it. Who are you to judge? Who are any of us to judge? It's one thing to form an opinion based on a lot of information. It's something entirely different to judge & toss to the side because you dont feel another worthy to be in your life or to experience your presence.

I won't tell you who it was. I won't tell you what was said. I wouldnt dare to dignify it by giving it breath & life. But it's happened to us all @ one point or another. And it's just wrong.

Compassion is one of the beautiful things in this world in my opinion. Try & work on your own today please. Don't judge. Question. Try to understnad. Try to mentor. And if you cant do that then maybe I'm not the one with the problems. Maybe it's you.

Incomplete thought & blog but I gotta go.


1 comment:

  1. Yep. It stinks when people think they get the whole picture from just a few blog entries. I was once in a 14+ year marriage... we had 3 kids together... and even at the end of that I didn't all the way know him and he didn't all the way know me. In the absence of real facts, we tend to make stuff up. We're usually wrong.
