Thursday, February 10, 2011

no snow day

Yeah I said I would didnt I?

No snow. Well not enough to cause any problems. Still, its top story on the news. And I guess the thing that bugs me about it is that the people on the air seem to have no clue how this snow thing works. Not like its brain surgery. Just a little frozen rain is all. But we're talking about all these scientific things this a.m.

Funny. At least to me. It's like someone deathly afraid of spiders. EEEK!!! Snow! But now they're starting to understand that by this afternoon all of this precip will be history. And thats a major weather incident. Silly.

But it is pretty outside my back door. I got the big flaked sticky stuff here last night & its covered the braches & stuff to provide a backdrop for the critters that are moving about doing their morning hustle.

I dont have alot to say this a.m. I'm not looking forward to work. They've been kind of messing with us in that be a good corporate employee kind of way. I resent that shit. I've seen first hand how corporate America behaves & I dont trust them for anything. But the suits that still believe are trying to go Rah-Rah on us minions & its insulting. Plus if the bosses knew how quick corporate would cut them for the sake of the bottom line they might have a different view. But it is a means to an end. I do have a plan & so far its working so I'll stay with it

A story on Sunday alcohol sales. Really??? Fucking hypocrites. Do you know how many states still have Sunday blue laws? 3 Yep just 3 & I'm in one of them. Now I'm not a big drinker. Never really have been. It's the mentality that enrages me. The thinking is so antiquated. Who are you to legislate my morality?

You can have extra-marital affairs. You can have all kinds of sex scandals, embezzlement, wire-tapping, misappropriations of funds, assault, rape, murder, & mayhem but you dont think its a good idea for me to be able to buy a beer on Sunday because it goes against your interpretation of what my Christian values should entail.

The thing that really gets me is that the native Georgians seem to be almost brainwashed to it while the people that I know that have been outside this state seem to see it for what its worth. Almost like theyve grown up with it this way so why change? Whats the difference? Don't fix whats not perceived to be broken. I gotta get out of this state. And quite frankly, Colorado is looking better all the time.

A little more than a month before I can transfer. Or at least start the process. Of course things would probably be ok here if I could make a decent living. But thats a rant for another time.

You kids bundle up now. Its cold outside. Flirting with freezing temps this a.m. so be prepared. It's only gonna be in the 40's today.

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