Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day of the Union

So it's the State of the Union. Did you watch? Did you hear the rebuttal? Did you see the Tea Party response? No?

Why the Hell not? I'm gonna enclose a link for you to check out the highlights. You can spend a few minutes checking it out & pursuing what interests you.

But this is my blog so I'll state my own opinion here. My page. My rules. My views. Thats how this started so why change now
Make sure to scroll all the way down on this one to get some interesting facts.

I find it amusing in an ironic sort of way that I'm talking politics. It's a sport for old men. I guess I'm becoming an elder.

I like what I hear in regards to finding new green energy sources. It's overdue. I fully support developing solar & alternative fuel power. I hear the Republican response to stop investing in foreign oil & to utilize America's resources but I don't hear them saying to get rid of oil. Oil is yesterday to me. We have to look toward the future or be found in the dust of those who would leave us behind.

I also fully support a heavy investment in both education & infrastructure. It boggles my mind how we of all countries have allowed our educational system to errode internally. And how are educators are not one of the most respected & compensated fields of employment. Our standards need to be higher. Our money needs to be focused on education.

 Additionally, the percentage of our infrastructure budget is a fraction of what it was 50 yrs ago. Yet, we have more of it. Anyone who owns a home knows if you do nothing to it after its built eventually it will fall apart on its own. Not only do you have to maintain a budget to keep it at its current standard but invest in its future well being. With a few improvements along the way. Money must be diverted to improve infrastructure. Our house is falling apart.

I also agreed with investing in communication & technology based businesses. If the internet is the future & we invented the internet & computer technologies then how do more S.Koreans have access to the net than Americans. How have the Chinese caught & passed us in some of these areas?

We are not utilizing our current strengths & I see Obama speaking to that tonight. That pleases me.

I'm gonna point a finger or two now. I think it's great that Congress did not sit seperated by party lines but intermingled with each other. I appreciate the carefully worded content by the Republican rebuttal but I still heard blame there. It irritates me that the evidence shows that these problems of ours have been in place, perpetuated even, for many years but staunch Republicans still try to point the finger at the Democrats. And take no responsibility for their own actions. The figures from 2000-2010 are staggering. And our leadership was not Democrat. So for all you Tea party members out there. I believe you attack to keep from having to explain & validate. Or compromise.

To me the Republican formal rebuttal seemed creepy from Rep. Paul Ryan. In a stepford wives/ automaton/ Big brother kinda way. He seemed so programmed. Kinda freaked me out. Especcially when he was talking about "less" government.  But there was some attempt to bridge the gap & make nice. I believe a better tack than previous years. And the Tea party response was creepy too. Hey!!! Bachman! What the hell are you looking at the whole time? The teleprompter? She's perky in an extremist sorta way. And to hear her cleverly worded retort. I felt a sense of dishonesty from her. A fake person. A choreographed soft shoe. Graphs & charts squarely placing blame. Buzz words in place of direction. Well worded rhetoric. Scary how good their writers are at incite, deflection & attack. Or maybe they aren't as good. I guess we'll see now that the house is Republican.

 But I do applaud the ideal the Tea party embraces regarding challenging & restructuring government. And to challenge the two party structure. At least in spirit. I want a goverment of, by, & for the people. Not of, by & for the corporation. Unfortunately thats where my biggest problem is with the Republican team & it's minor league affiliates. BTW, I consider myself an Independant. And believe that unless somebody's compensating you for your vote then you should be independant too. Apparently the Independants were the most negative about this speech overall.

I hear that people dont agree with Obama's policies but yet his approval rating is up. I hear people calling for him to be responsible regarding spending but also see the view of having to spend additional monies to identify & fix the problems before we again haphazardly cut across the board.

How does one, bureaucratically, remove bureaucracy?  Is that , by definition, impossible?

I don't believe that capitalism is the way life should be. Try this on for size. Do you consider yourself Christian? Religious? How about Spiritual? I should have targeted about 95% of you.

If money is the root of all evil then is captialism not evil incarnate? Where in the Almighty dollar is the truth, the way, the light?

I believe that the meek , shall indeed, inherit the Earth. I'm just not so sure of the condition it will be in when we finally get a hold of it.

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